
Implant Dentistry - Contemporary Dental Arts

At Contemporary Dental Arts, P.C. in Williston, Vermont, Dr. Lauren Shanard provides implant dentistry services for her patients. Dental implants are titanium posts that are embedded in the jaw to replace a missing tooth in conjunction with a crown, bridge, or denture. Implants restore the strength, durability, and cosmetic appearance of a compromised smile.

There are many different situations that call for implants. It can be a single missing tooth, multiple missing teeth where you might want to build an implant supported bridge or you can replace an entire arch of teeth that are supported by several implants.

Currently, I send my patients to an excellent implant placement surgeon but soon I'll be doing all of those procedures in house. Once an implant is placed, the healing time can vary based on the number of implants and the location. Once the implants are healed, then the prosthetic part of making teeth on implants begins.

Restoring the mouth with implants can be a very complex process but once the implants are placed and they're restored, typically the implants are there for life and you don't have the problems that you have with natural teeth. If you feel like you might benefit from implants, please give us a call and we'll set up a free consultation and make a plan designed specifically for you.