
Dental Bridge Testimonial - Contemporary Dental Arts

Andy’s dental bridge testimonial describes his experience at Contemporary Dental Arts in Burlington, Vermont and Williston, Vermont. He came into Dr. Lauren Shanard’s office to have a dental bridge placed and some dental bonding. He appreciates the professionalism of the entire staff and the excellent care that he received.

Here at Dr. Shanard's office, I had a bridge put in, as well as some dental bonding. Prior to Dr. Shanard initiating that procedure, she recommended that I visit a very well-known orthodontist who worked for quite a while to stabilize my bite, so that the work she put in wouldn't deteriorate. She's very much a perfectionist, and that's something I really appreciate.

It happened, just so happened at the time, that my office was next door, and it was very convenient to come here. But once I came here, I found the environment very welcoming, and the staff, and of course, Dr. Shanard, very professional. The support staff are great, and I got to know them very well because my treatment was very extensive, and it took quite a while. I got to know everyone. They were all very friendly, very professional. And they all took a great care and interest in me. I'm very happy with the results I got from Dr. Shanard, yes.

The work I did have done by Dr. Shanard really did affect my life. I became more confident. I was more humorous. I was laughing more readily. People saw a change in me. They couldn't quite put their finger on it, but they knew something was going on. It just gave me more confidence in my business and in my interpersonal relationships, as well.

I rate the service here at Dr. Shanard's office in the highest degree. One thing that I really want to emphasize is, Dr. Shanard wants to do things right, not simply quickly. Many dentists would just slap some veneers on and be on their way. But Dr. Shanard, as I mentioned, really wanted to stabilize my bite, and wanted to get everything aligned properly, so that what she accomplished was going to have staying power, and was gonna be there for the long term.

And I really appreciate that. I really appreciate the long-term fixture, and not just the short-term procedure, charge a fee and be on your way. That really made the difference, and that's why I continue to come here. I would recommend Dr. Shanard unequivocally, to anyone.